2025 SWCD Annual Tree Seedling Sale Underway!
Trees have a job to do, and winter is the perfect time to plan for spring planting. By putting tress to “work” on your land, you can watch them do essential tasks like improve water quality, control soil erosion, increase agricultural production, provide a windbreak, enhance wildlife habitat or just beautify your surroundings! This year the Highland Soil and Water Conservation Districts’ Annual Tree Seedling Sale will offer hardy seedlings and white vinyl flags.
This is your once-a-year opportunity to make purchases at a minimal price with a maximum long-range benefit.
The tree seedling packets shown below will be offered on a first come, first serve basis so get your order in early. The pickup date will be April 4, 2025, at the Liberty Township building in Hillsboro. After you have placed your order, a reminder post card will be mailed to you closer to the scheduled dates. Because of the low cost, we cannot furnish seedling replacements, nor can we mail or deliver your order. These seedlings are from one to two years of age and average 8 to 10 inches in height. Most orders will fit in a regular size grocery bag. If you are interested in purchasing tree seedlings you may contact the Highland SWCD office at 937-393-1922 or download the order form today!
Trees have a job to do, and winter is the perfect time to plan for spring planting. By putting tress to “work” on your land, you can watch them do essential tasks like improve water quality, control soil erosion, increase agricultural production, provide a windbreak, enhance wildlife habitat or just beautify your surroundings! This year the Highland Soil and Water Conservation Districts’ Annual Tree Seedling Sale will offer hardy seedlings and white vinyl flags.
This is your once-a-year opportunity to make purchases at a minimal price with a maximum long-range benefit.
The tree seedling packets shown below will be offered on a first come, first serve basis so get your order in early. The pickup date will be April 4, 2025, at the Liberty Township building in Hillsboro. After you have placed your order, a reminder post card will be mailed to you closer to the scheduled dates. Because of the low cost, we cannot furnish seedling replacements, nor can we mail or deliver your order. These seedlings are from one to two years of age and average 8 to 10 inches in height. Most orders will fit in a regular size grocery bag. If you are interested in purchasing tree seedlings you may contact the Highland SWCD office at 937-393-1922 or download the order form today!